Sunday, August 2, 2015

What Comes Next and How to Like it by Abigail Thomas

24. A book with a love triangle

Abigail Thomas is possibly the freshest, wittiest, easiest to read, loveliest, most honest, most authentic writer on the planet and she has a new book out! I loved A Three Dog Life  and  Safekeeping.  She has a wonderful small book about writing memoir that I use when I teach memoir. She is a perfect read for any occasion.  They should make a movie of her sweet life as revealed in all her memoir. I think she made memoir a genre--not sure about that though.

Anyway, Ms. Thomas is aging and contemplating the things one contemplates at the end of life among them a long friendship that spans the decades and includes a kind of infidelity, her own children and her love of them, he daughters cancer diagnosis, and her own mortality. Ms. Thomas is observant, witty, and can create tension in the narrative over the most normal life events.  The book was pure pleasure on every page.



hasan said...
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